gfi on bi-wire bwmc

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Senior Member
will it work to put a gfi on the circuit if i am downstream of the bi-wire part from the box where i can take the neutral the rest of the way on its own?
if the neutral is shared and the second Ungrounded Conductor is flicking on and off, how can the gfi not trip?
the gfci recep is measuring current at the recep and any load connected to it. nothing ahead of the recep will affect it.
Nope. Won't work the way it is presented in that sketch. :-?

The problem here is you have the neutral connected together on both line and load sides of the GFI device. With the receptacle being wired "downstream" of the GFI, it needs to have its own isolated neutral conductor without any connection to non-gfi protected loads. :cool:
Dan, what you need to do is split the incoming neutral into two wires ahead of the GFCI. One white wire goes to the GFCI line white terminal, and the other to the light's white.

The incoming red wire should run only to the light, and the incoming black wire only to the GFCI line hot. The second receptacle should connect only to the GFCI's load terminals.
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