Glows in the dark

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Buck Parrish

Senior Member
Just got the new Mkita Kit. It had the drill driver in it. I thought I would never use it . Though it has a 3/4" ring aroung it that glows 'Bright" in the dark. Like in a crawl space or above a cieling.
It also has the finess to screw 6/32 screws or 6" ones.

The thing glows so brite I thought it had an other light in it.
Think their is radiation in their?


Senior Member
Could be.... The Chinese are known to jamm toxic waste into every item including baby formula - so one can assume whoever makes makita is possibly buying up who knows what to make it glow more than one needs it to. And I would not suggest 'licking' it - that might make you more than just 'look' retarted by doing it. :roll:


Senior Member
Durham, NC
Here's a nice read on fluorescense that I thought has an interesting and has an interactive hoover over aspect to it, on the side of the screen.

If you branch out or off this page of some of the other links theres alot more flourescense to many materials than you know or experience.

It comes down to the glow you see is an excitement of the electron in element or material, to summerize you see
the glow like a coal in the fire. It's not releasing or radiating except for what's visible to our eye, and the heat that it produces as it burns.

Radiation, like man made or ionizing radiation is the use of electron's or proton's or neutron's made into a partical stream, like an x-ray and is split off of the atomic structure of the element involved, or even now generated and used accordingly.

Note the Electromagnetic spectrum at the top of the page at the NSC page!

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Senior Member
I got startled one day a while back after being in a dark room and noticed the inside of my toolpouch was glowing, it turns out my new Klein torpedo level has plastic that holds the glass levels that glow in the dark really bright.
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