Good 'ol pool bonding

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Senior Member
Temecula, CA
All information refers to 2008 NEC

Our office is still having a discussion regarding Article680.23 ( C ) that requires 9 sq. in. of metal to be bonded to the pool bonding grid.

Some of us look at 680.26 ( B ) (1) which seems to state that gunited or shotcreted pools coated with plaster coatings are conductive and therefore only pools that are fiberglass or vinyl would be subject to 680.23( C).

Others of us believe that 680.23 (C ) stands alone regardlesso f the pools material construction and the intent is to insure the bond of the water to the bonding grid.

During a recent electrical seminar presentation, the consensus there seemed to me to be that the water bond was required regardless of the pools construction or material.

I personally believe 680.23(C) stands alone. The intent, as I see it, is for ALL parts of the pools system to have equal potential, and while there is some conductivity with a gunite or shotcrete pool because of the permeability and porosity, it is not enought to allow the water to have the same equal potential difference as the gunited shell or the peimeter surface 3ft around the pool. But then I remember I have been wrong before (it was 1967, as I recall). :D

Would you please comment on the above. We want to make the right call for our clientsand have had some resistance to the 9 sq. in. requirement from pool builders.

Thank you for your time and analysis.
I think you mean 680.26(C) and IMO there is nothing there that gives an exemption for different or non conductive pools. The water must be bonding and this can be done with a small piece of copper in the line with a bond to it. Obviously if there are metal ladders, lights etc then they would take care of bonding the water.
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