I keep up with SQD, BussmanSPD, Siemens, Brady, Burndy, Wire Mold, Hubbell, WattStopper, Cooper, Ideal, Asco and many more.
I probably have about 30-50 trade catelogs, most of them as recent as the new ones just sent out.
Siemens has the "Step" books they publish, I try to get as many of them as possible. The same with the UL White Book.
I get and reference these catelogs, as it helps me to be able to help myself and others with the most current info.
I also have all of the recent Utility books and their adendums, both in hard cover and PDF.
I get the new Graingers, because I buy the door prizes I supply to meetings from there and local supply houses.
Yes, as you can guess, I read a lot.
P.S. This also means my garbage men are taking away a lot of print material every year. As a matter of fact, I purged yesterday afternoon and last night. I now seem to be able to see my desktop and have more room for new junk.
You see with just 10% retension, I feel if I read alot, I should be able to remember something. :wink: