GPS preferences

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Senior Member
So Cal
Any of you GPS users have a recommendation or can tell me which units to avoid. For what its worth my work truck is a loud old diesel.


ElectroHydraulics engineer (retired)
Greenville SC
sparky76 said:
Any of you GPS users have a recommendation or can tell me which units to avoid. For what its worth my work truck is a loud old diesel.
I'm partial to Garmin, but their software updates seem to be a little higher than others.

The most popular of their products are the nuvi and Zumo lines; the Zumo are optimized for motorcycles but have nice features at a higher price (waterproof for one)

After having been an adviser for lots of friends, I recommend that in addition to "turn-by-turn" directions (almost all have this), you have the road named, "turn right on elm street". When Costco had the nuvi 650 for $249 (i think) last Christmas, 5 were bought by friends, and all love them. The higher end units have things that mean a lot to some, nothing to others. Examples are bluetooth to cell phone, weather, e-books, mp3 music. You can find out LOTS on the forum if you have time to read.


Senior Member
I went with the Garmins. I like the streeet by street instruction and user friendly. The best advice I was given and that I can in turn give to you is go to Best Buy or Circuit city and play with the ones they have on display. That way you can see which one you like the most.


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
I have a Garmin and really like it. I don't use it a lot in town, but I use it when I travel. You do have to play with the voices though, the first one I had seemed to have a little to much attitude for me, if I wanted that I would just ask my wife for directions. :grin: :D


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
We recently got a Navigon 2100 for about $120, and it does just about everything the more expensive ones do, including turn-by-turn text-to-speech. It can recharge from a lighter socket or a computer USB port.

There are other models and options available:


Senior Member
the big garmins are great for fishing.

(if I ever need a gps to get me to work i'm just gonna end it all)


Senior Member
I still use my Garmin 12XL (that thing must be 10 years old) It tells me where I am, which is all that I need to know (plus it does it in UTM)

One of my favorite tricks with the 12XL is getting sub-foot accuracy. You can download software that logs the carrier phase and pseudorange data which can then be converted to RINEX. I can take the RINEX files and plug them into a Government website and it will spit out corrected data. I use it for locating conduits going in the ground, without any nearby survey references. Don't need milimeter precision, just close enough to hit it with a shovel :D
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Senior Member
Northern Virginia
Master Electrician / Electrical Engineer
I have a Garmin M5. It's a PDA and GPS in one. It's a great invention, but they stopped making them. I have all my customer info right on the dashboard. The appointment pops up with the phone numbers and it routes me right to it.

I can't figure out why they ditched this.



Senior Member
I work across the US this GPS is a life saver. have a Magellan Maestro 3100. I should have checked other units before I purchased but it gets the jobs done. It shows me gas stations, hotels, restaurants. Few things I hate is that it does not pick up everything. I was looking for a book store I had to go online find the address then type it into the GPS. Another thing crappy that I am hearing about all GPS units is it will tell you to get off the interstate then get back on when 2 major instates connect, kind of hard to explain, you lose little time but it does get confusing.

You do have to be careful on the settings. I have the "Fastest time", "Most used freeways", and a few other options. I always use "Most used freeways" don't ask me why but sometimes the fastest time isn't always the fastest.
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