GPU Meter Reading. Kw Or KVA

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Electrical Contractor
Called Public service for High Demand on meters. For 11 Meters

They Quoted me and totaled to 176.8 Kva or KW. Didnt ask which (Kw Or Kva). I believe its Kw. So I need to Convert to KVA. if so or

Question is the meter Readings I recieved in Kw or Kva. Just to clarify my question.

Service is 120/208 3 Phase
Power Factor

Power Factor

Most likely the utility gave you kW. Divide it by the power factor to get kVA. 100kW / 0.8pf = 125kVA. The power factor will depend on the types of loads. Motor loads, 0.7-0.8; residential, 0.9; mixed commercial, 0.8-0.9.
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