Grandfather clause for journeyman license in texas

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New member
houston texas
I have been working in the electrical field since 1993. I started getting all of my records together to get my journeyman license when the state started the state license. I was trying to grandfather in using the experience that I had. Well, I ended up getting a job on a drilling rig for Diamond Offshore and I stayed with them until june of 2015. I did not get my license and now I have been laid off from Diamond and I am back working in the chemical plants. Does texas still have a grandfather clause if I have 12000 hours working under a licensed master electrician before 2005? I have looked and I found an application that shows that I can pick option c using my hours but I think this is an old form. If anyone can help me, I would be greatly appreciated. I ordered the Mike holt study material and am currently studying for the test.
To me, Texas requirements are what I find online...

...and from what I see on the application form, there is no grandfathering. In my experience, none of which has been in Texas, grandfathering is only permitted for a short spell (a year... maybe two or three, don't know) after licensing becomes required. After that grace period, if you've never had a license or had a license but failed to renew you have to apply, take test and pass to get your license, assuming you meet all the training and education requirements just to sit for the test.
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