Great book from the past!

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Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
On incandescent lighting:

The quest now is, and has been, to find some material of a purely metallic character, which will have a very high fusing point, and which will, therefore, dispense with the cost of the exhausted bulb. Some metals, as for instance, osmium, tantalum, thorium, and others, have been used, and others, also, with great success, so that the march of improvements is now going forward with rapid strides.

On the ampere:

It is necessary, first, to determine what an ampere is. For this purpose a standard solution of nitrate of silver is used, and a current of electricity is passed through this solution. In doing so the current deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 grains per second for each ampere.

On the value of learning the electrical trade:

They may want us to test batteries, and it then becomes necessary to construct mechanism to detect and measure electricity; to install new and improved apparatus; and to put in and connect up electric bells in their houses, as well as burglar alarms. To meet the requirements, we put in a telegraph line, having learned, as well as we are able, how they are made and operated. But we find the telegraph too slow and altogether unsuited for our purposes, as well as for the uses of the neighborhood, so we conclude to put in a telephone system.

Ever wonder why we use the letter "I" to indicate amperes?


The strength of a magnetic field, or of a current flowing over a wire.

These are snips from a book written in 1914 titled "Electricity for Boys". Just the history chapter alone is worth taking the time to read. It also explains electricity in a very easy to understand manner using devices that can be hand made from wood, metal and wire. Oh, and some chemicals.

I can see where this book and it's methods would be great in the classroom, especially if the teacher is into building things.

marti smith

Senior Member
Thanks for sharing! Looks like a gem that my ole retired dad will enjoy- although he may take it back to his shop and then not answer my phone calls when I have an electrical question. Hmmm. May have to rethink that.
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