Greek Housing/Sorority Checking Load Calculations Due to Electronic Overload of Circuits-Help!


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Scenario-Female Sorority House built in 1980's in Indiana having load calculations recalculated due to day rooms and other areas tripping the circuits. Due to today's chargers, hair prepping items, mini frigs, fans, lights, etc are overloading the circuits. How can I as a HCB member check to see if what the commercial company is stating is correct? That the one additional mini frig is ok to have or not to have knowing that the total amount of items will continue to be an issue when with Policy/Proc. and ensure the electrical safety. Example 2-5 any given time in what is called a day room. 96 full time divided by 24 rooms. I am a experienced Realtor but not an electrician. I was told I believe its 20 amp on the circuit. Guidance please because I am not an electrician.


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Retired Electrician
Since you are just asking for advice I will offer this. If there is one 20 amp circuit odds are it is in fact being pushed to it's limits. You should have another company give you their opinion or test results.