2008 NEC 250.64(C)
The SDS GEC needs to be run from the Grounding Electrode all the way to the SDS in one continuous length without splice or joint unless spliced by irreversible compression splices or exothermic welding. This could not be accomplished under normal circumstances if we used the feeder EGC as the SDS GEC.
I can visualize taking an unspliced GEC from the electrode, through the feeder disconnect, in the feeder conduit, then directly to XO. This would meet the requirements of 250.64. Now, to use it as the feeder EGC, we tap onto the GEC in the feeder disconnect and attach it to the disconnect ground bar, and we could do the same in the transformer, or we could rely on the System Bonding Jumper to complete the connection to the xfmr case. Now, the one grounding conductor is being used both as the feeder EGC and as the SDS GEC.
Somehow, I just don't see this as being the intent of 250.30(7)