I'm looking at a 120/208V panelbaord that is fed from secondary of small 30kVA transformer so is considered SDS but not service entrance.
In this panel the neutral bar appears to have the grounded conductor (neutral) from the transformer connected to it and the ground bar is connected to panel enclosure. There appears to be a cable connection bonding these (2) bars within the panel that would serve as the supply side bonding jumper (SSBJ).
It appears however that when the contractor installed all of the branch circuit neutrals and EGC's to circuits fed from the panel they flip-flopped the connections and connected all branch circuit neutrals to ground bar, and all branch circuit EGC's to neutral bar.
Are there any issues with having these branch circuit EGC's and neutrals swapped given the fact that there is a SSBJ in this panel? I know that without this bonding jumper this would not be allowed as it would not be permissible to have neutral current flowing through the ground and equipment enclosure.
In this panel the neutral bar appears to have the grounded conductor (neutral) from the transformer connected to it and the ground bar is connected to panel enclosure. There appears to be a cable connection bonding these (2) bars within the panel that would serve as the supply side bonding jumper (SSBJ).
It appears however that when the contractor installed all of the branch circuit neutrals and EGC's to circuits fed from the panel they flip-flopped the connections and connected all branch circuit neutrals to ground bar, and all branch circuit EGC's to neutral bar.
Are there any issues with having these branch circuit EGC's and neutrals swapped given the fact that there is a SSBJ in this panel? I know that without this bonding jumper this would not be allowed as it would not be permissible to have neutral current flowing through the ground and equipment enclosure.