Ground bar location in panel

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Senior Member
Hey this is to thank the guy who located the ground bar in the panel I was working on today right behind the 3 -2 gauges feeding in from the service. They run vertically in front of the ground bar before terminating up top. And then he ran a couple 6 gauages over there just for good measure. The bottom of the box is wide open...maybe this would have been a better location?

And the neutrals all terminate in front of it too, just to really mix it up.:confused:
Maybe you should find out who did it and have him install the ground wires. This mightteach him a lesson.

Perhaps you can access the screws holding on the ground bar and re-locate it?
i thought it was brant ;)

I wrangled my way through it, but layout should be a standard. anyone with a pretty picture of a panel to show is welcome to post it in this thread as a way to do it RIGHT!

I forget to take pictures, and no one wants to see a picture of a panel, its like pulling out a picture of your dog.
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