Ground Bond Tester

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Senior Member
I am in need of a ground bond tester like this one here:

I would rather not purchase the meter, but would like to rent. Does anyone recommend either a low cost 200A ground bond tester or a place where I can rent the equipment?
You want field test equipment not lab grade, (I WOULD THINK)

A Ductor/DLRO (digital low resistance meter)/micro-ohm meter, Electrorents.

Then come in 10 amp, 100 amp, 200 and up to 600 amps.
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What you are looking for is a DLRO portable model, not bench. They use 1, 10 and higher amp current reference in a 4-point Wein Bridge. The current is precision controlled by a current supply on two points, then the voltage is measured by the other 2 point. Result is a resistance reading like any Ohm meter does. Difference is your DMM Ohm Meter is only accurate above 10 Ohms, while a 10 amp DRLO is accurate down to 1 micro-ohm.

Portable field models are not cheap, and bench units are even higher priced.
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