I am currently running a feeder to an existing detached garage and have a question on the ground conductor run with the ungrounded conductors as part of the feeder. I had planned to use 6/3 romex from the main service panel, through the house basement to a junction box near the outside wall (but still inside the structure, then RMC from the junction box, through the basement wall, (underground) and up to a new sub-panel in the detached garage. I am installing a ground rod just outside the detached garage and bonding it to the subpanel ground bus with #6 copper. I just now ran across 250.32 (e) and it appears the #8 ground wire in the romex is too small and needs to be a #6 (meaning I should have used SER instead of Romex) for the portion of the feeder that is inside the main structure. Can anyone confirm this?