Ground (EGC) Between panels linked with PVC

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Senior Member
Foster City, CA
I have two panels in a system; one is the main, at a separate structure (pool pump and filter shed) that has a set of pass thru lugs that feed, via PVC conduit, another structure's (pool house) sub-panel. The main is grounded via GEC and rod; the sub-panel is connected to a U-fer. Do I need to run an additional ground between the two structures in the PVC? It is a 200 -amp service so I know a #4 gnd cond. would be appropriate if the answer is yes. What article clarifies this best?

Chris, if I read the OP correctly wouldn't 680.25 require the EGC ?
Chris, if I read the OP correctly wouldn't 680.25 require the EGC ?

I was wondering that, but if the feeder was going from the pool pump and filter shed to a pool house, then I don't think the feeder needs to meet the requirements of 680 unless of course the pool house contains branch circuits for pool equipment.

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