Ground return on 7.2kV supply.

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Looked at a youtube video,where POCO guys were trying to dislodge an Africanised bee nest from a pole top tranny with deathsticks,with predictable results,death for them,not the angry bees,one guy fell into a dumpster,the other guy just dropped the deathstick and fled,noticed one wire going to a dropout fuse,then to one porcelain thru feed insulator,the other being bonded to the can,secondary neutral also,sec 120-0-120 50kva,then a ground wire down the pole.Surely they don't use the secondary as a primary neutral return,otherwise you'd have a SWER supply,used in OZ to provide 240-0-240 on outlying farms,240 lights outlets,480 motors stoves,some HWSs etc.These supplies are usually provided by step down from 33,66,or 132kV mains,using connection across 2 phases,19kV secondary,circular ground mat or long,6metre earth stakes,usually 4 to get impedance 6ohms or less.
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