Ground rod for Metal Fence

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Senior Member
new york
Electrical Engineer / Electrician
NYS SED requires ground rods for and ground conductor bonded to metal fences. So the metal posts in direct contact with the ground every 8ft for 100+ft isn't an effective path to ground?

Mike Holt did a video on this, I don't think NYS SED watched it.
I didnt see the vid but not sure what it would do for it in a congested area other than possibly reduce the step potential between it and other grounded objects/structures? We assume its not electrically grounded? I spose the vid would be interesting.
We put a ground rod on a building to reduce strike and maybe static? Or deliver strike maybe? Would make for a better electrode than someone standing in a puddle nearby? There was a guy named Westom used to drop by one of the journals when lighting came up was real interesting with all this and related supression equipment.
NYS SED requires ground rods for and ground conductor bonded to metal fences. So the metal posts in direct contact with the ground every 8ft for 100+ft isn't an effective path to ground?

Mike Holt did a video on this, I don't think NYS SED watched it.
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