IEEE 80/23 9.4 Basic aspects of grid design
c) A typical grid system for a substation may include 4/0 bare copper conductors buried 0.3 m to 0.5 m (12 in to 18 in) below grade, spaced 3 m to 7 m (10 ft to 20 ft) apart, in a grid pattern. At cross-connections, the conductors would be securely bonded together. Ground rods may be at the grid corners and at junction points along the perimeter. Ground rods may also be installed at major equipment, especially near surge arresters. In multilayer or high resistivity soils, it might be useful to use longer rods or rods installed at additional junction points.
NESC C2/2007 094. Grounding electrodes. B. Made electrodes 2. Driven rods.
c. Driven depth shall be not less than 2.45 m (8 ft). The upper end shall be flush with or
below the ground level unless suitably protected.
EXCEPTION 1: Where rock bottom is encountered, driven depth may be less than 2.45 m (8 ft), or other types of electrode may be employed.
EXCEPTION 2: When contained within pad-mounted equipment, vaults, manholes, or similar enclosures, the driven depth may be reduced to 2.3 m (7.5 ft).
If the connections between rods and copper conductor is through mechanical connectors a handhole may be installed in order to use this for ground tests. If the connection is of cadweld type the ground rod end will be at copper conductor level.