Grounded Size, Cross Sectional Area, GEC

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I have a few question, first one is, what size grounded copper wire do I need for my service if my total computed load for a house is 150A, but the lighting panel to be mounted is 200A?

My second question is, what is the cross sectional area for two conductors 1.6 in a metal raceway?

Lastly, What size equipment grounding conductor do I need to feed two 200A panels in the same race way?

Thank You
Rob, we alol now I am pretty dumb sometimes..yes, I said but the first question... I prefer sizing for the panel and not the main breaker... however, it can be costly... if this is a main panel.
Second one.. 1.6.. I guess mm... which means it would either be 1.5mm wire which means a 15 mm conduit, or 16 mm wire which means a inch and a half to a two inch, doesn’t it?

Third one depends on how the load is..right.. 200 amp main with 200 amp sub and both having smaller main breakers.. would be same as 200 amp service. Two panels used as mains would mean a 400 amp service then? Or am I wrong on this one too...

hmm... need to check codes more..but these questions aren’t too clear either...
These are very basic questions.
Question 1, there is a table in Art 250
Question 2, see the wire fill charts at the back of the NEC
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