Grounding 1 leg of Control Transformer

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Senior Member
Is there anything wrong about grounding a leg of a 24v control transformer ? The specific installation I have is an electronic switch / latching realy that requires 0 and 24 volts. I think I have seen them grounded before in control panels but Im unsure if its common practice or only a specific installation or transformer when it can be done.
Is there anything wrong about grounding a leg of a 24v control transformer ? The specific installation I have is an electronic switch / latching realy that requires 0 and 24 volts. I think I have seen them grounded before in control panels but Im unsure if its common practice or only a specific installation or transformer when it can be done.
Nothing wrong with grounding one side. In fact it is required under certain conditions [250.20(A)].
Exception No. 3: The size of the system bonding jumper
for a system that supplies a Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3
circuit, and is derived from a transformer rated not more
than 1000 volt-amperes, shall not be smaller than the derived
ungrounded conductors and shall not be smaller than
14 AWG copper or 12 AWG aluminum.
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