I am adding a 2nd 100A service to an old house for the attached apartment (no firewall). The existing 100A service is grounded to the house water main with no ground rods. I am adding another 100A meter pan next to the existing meter pan. The panels are in seperate locations.
Do I run my new service ground to the water main and then to the 2 ground rods?
Do I have to connect to the water main first?
Does the ground conductor have to be continous from the panel all the way to the ground rods, or can I use 2 water pipe clamps and go from the panel to the water main and then from the water main to the ground rods?
All advice appreciated!
I am adding a 2nd 100A service to an old house for the attached apartment (no firewall). The existing 100A service is grounded to the house water main with no ground rods. I am adding another 100A meter pan next to the existing meter pan. The panels are in seperate locations.
Do I run my new service ground to the water main and then to the 2 ground rods?
Do I have to connect to the water main first?
Does the ground conductor have to be continous from the panel all the way to the ground rods, or can I use 2 water pipe clamps and go from the panel to the water main and then from the water main to the ground rods?
All advice appreciated!