I think where I got hung up with that section is that is starts off with,
If a building or structure is supplied by a service or feeder with two or more disconnecting means in separate enclosures..."
Does it make any difference whatsoever if one of the meters is merely mounted there and then goes on to feed a separate building with it's own GES? I'm not seeing that distinction in 250.64 (D) or anywhere else for that matter.
Maybe this is my mistake but I'm considering the service to be everything between the service point and the service disconnect. And I'm considering the service disconnect to be where the main bonding jumper is. If the main bonding jumper is at another building, then obviously you wouldn't run an GEC to from meter #2 to the second building and this wouldn't be considered a feeder as
@Dennis Alwon mentions.
In 230.85(E)(1) where is gives you the option for EMERGENCY DISCONNECT, NOT SERVICE EQUIPMENT, doesn't that not give you the flexibility have your main bonding jumper and service disconnect downstream, or even at a separate building provided you have no other distribution between the Emergency Disconnect and the Service Disconnect?