Grounding a ct cabinet

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Do we need to ground a cabinet containing the ct’sfor a 800 amp service with two runs of 600 mcm, the conduits in and out of this cabinet are pvc, a reputable inspector in Denver says no, although this is not in jurisdiction and he won’t be the one inspecting it, I think it needs to be grounding to eliminate electrical potential, this cabinet is exterior mounted
I believe all metal parts of the electrical system must be bonded so why would he think you don't need bonding. You just jump from the box to the neutrals.
No not a gec, but bonded, and he says that’s the cabinet is the public utilities and so we don’t have do anything, which I disagree, I wasn’t sure we could bond the can to the neutral at that point since code requires that at first point of service disconnect, but I would agree that is the best solution
Inspector may be saying you don't have to bond because he knows the power company will do it. I always put the appropriate size bond to a lug and left a few feet for the power company to connect .
We were taught to always ground every metal box that has over 24 volts in it. Extremely important to ground all metal boxes in damp or outdoor enclosures. At one location they had a ungrounded metal pull box where somebody added a few pushbuttons that feed 480 volt starter coils . Because of it being in a damp location did not take long before people reported getting shocked. European companies believe we're the first ones that installed a ground wire from metal box to all hinged cover doors. No better piece of mind then the proper size copper ground &/or bond conductor.
The inspector is wrong. Send him for more training. All metallic items ahead of the service disconnect must be bonded in a manner compliant with 250.92. Leaving a CT can unbonded is incredibly dangerous and just waiting to kill somebody or potentially start a fire if fed from a grounded system.
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