My original thoughts were that the service panel in my trailer would be treated like a service panel in my home or main panel a home.
I read somewhere in the forum that once you re-bond after a main panel in sub panel (which I now understand is a CODE violation and why, I think), you create another path for current to travel in the ground, simple Kirkoff's Current Law. Since a current will be present in the ground path, this could create a potentially dangerous situation, hence the NEC code that you cannot re-bond a sub panel. Based on I-Wires very simple statement about re-bonding and Pierre C Belarge code references, I now understand that re-bonding my trailer panel would be code violation.
The definitions of the main panel the sub panel and all the variables about where my trailer would or could be plugged into and how the trailer it's self is classified by the NEC had originally created some confusion on my end.
At this point, it seems extremely important that if I choose to power my trailer from a generator, that I must use an EGC from the generator frame to earth or if the generator is mounted on the tongue of my trailer (off the ground), I must use an EGC to earth. I would take it at this point, the generator would be treated as the main and the generator would have the ground and neutral bonded, correct ?
Also, I had planed on using a 10/4 cable to power my trailer in the 220V operation mode, based on what I have read in the forum about code. This would be a code violation, since the Neutral conductor in my cable must be the size of the two hot conductors combined correct ? The only way to safely do this would be to use a larger cable that would meet that requirement ?