We have (3) emergency generators feed the paralleling gear, the gear then feed several ATSs (ATS has neutral wire to be switched). Generators are considered to be separate derived system.
1. Should we drive ground rod at each E.G. location and bond each generator to the rods?
2. Can omit item 1. above and only run the ground wire from paralleling switchgear ground bar and bond to building ground? (assume the neutral and equipment bars are bonded inside paralleling switchgear). Will this violate NEC because of ground loop?
PS: ATS also served by building utility power sources when not in emergency mode.
1. Should we drive ground rod at each E.G. location and bond each generator to the rods?
2. Can omit item 1. above and only run the ground wire from paralleling switchgear ground bar and bond to building ground? (assume the neutral and equipment bars are bonded inside paralleling switchgear). Will this violate NEC because of ground loop?
PS: ATS also served by building utility power sources when not in emergency mode.