Grounding / Bonading

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Senior Member
Asked this before, but can not find it right now.

Utility company ran their service drop to secondary pole where, ONE electric company built their service consisting of: riser with wires feeding into meter socket & then to the disconnecting means on the pole. From there they ran some 200 +/- feet (underground) to electric trough mounted under the 2 200 amp panels on the residence.

SECOND electric company had wired the residence, installed the 2 panels & trough.

{A} Should this be a 4 wire system (2 hots, 1 grounded [neutral], 1 grounding [ground] ) from the disconnect on the pole to each panel? :?
{B} Should this system be bonded to the re-barb in the slab (that has plastic between the ground & re-barb & have a proper ground rod? :?
{C} Should this system have a ground rod by NEC, at the pole OR would the power company's but ground on their pole suffice/ :?

Please give the best code articles reflecting answers. This is a big dispute between the 2 electric companies & I am trying to help the owner with this (a good friend of a good friend). Again, thanks, one & all! :happyyes:
A) Yes, if install after 3-wire became a violation for new installations (circa 2002 NEC IIRC).

B) No. Does not meet the criteria for a CEE.

C) GES required at pole. Likely needs 2 rods..
Note regarding earlier response to {B} ....If this is new construction, and there is a periphery footer (thickened slab at edges, with no plastic barrier between it and earth... I think that's how they do it in Texas ;)) a CEE should have been created and connected.

No matter what, an effective GES according to NEC provisions must be established at the house.
B Yes if you build in Florida. Theory being, The sides of the footers are not covered completely by the plastic and are in contact with the earth. I'm guessing Texas thinks so also.
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