Grounding Conduit Bodies

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Senior Member
Is it allowed by NEC to us a metallic LB on a PVC conduit run? I cannot find anything in the code that states I cant. The only article I see is it states that if you splice in a box the box must be grounded? I just see an issue with this because god forbid the LB became energized,
How about 250.4(A)(2) and (3).

They seem like a great start.

(A) Grounded Systems.

(2) Grounding of Electrical Equipment.
Normally non?
current-carrying conductive materials enclosing electrical
conductors or equipment, or forming part of such equipment,
shall be connected to earth so as to limit the voltage
to ground on these materials.

(3) Bonding of Electrical Equipment. Normally non?
current-carrying conductive materials enclosing electrical
conductors or equipment, or forming part of such equipment,
shall be connected together and to the electrical supply
source in a manner that establishes an effective groundfault
current path.
I have some difficulty imagining the situation that is prompting the question. PVC is normally used underground, and you don't use LBs underground. And if this is above ground, why couldn't you use a metal raceway? Or if this coming out of the ground, why not transition from PVC to a metal raceway at the point you would use the LB? Or at the very least, instead of an LB, use a box or gutter that could be grounded according to its listing?

If the reason is "I have a bunch of extra PVC I wanted to use", I don't think that's a good enough reason.
I have some difficulty imagining the situation that is prompting the question. PVC is normally used underground, and you don't use LBs underground. And if this is above ground, why couldn't you use a metal raceway? Or if this coming out of the ground, why not transition from PVC to a metal raceway at the point you would use the LB? Or at the very least, instead of an LB, use a box or gutter that could be grounded according to its listing?

If the reason is "I have a bunch of extra PVC I wanted to use", I don't think that's a good enough reason.

PVC is not limited to use underground. Corrosive conditions are a good reason to use PVC, but then in that case a metal conduit body still would not a good idea. PVC is not limited to use in corrosive environments either though.
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