Grounding electrode conductor Al material

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have plans which call for Aluminum insulated grounding electrode conductor to underground water pipe.

The grounding electrode would go from outside panelboard into masonry building and then into attic then back down to where underground water pipe enters.

I understand 250.64(A) says bare Al grounding electrode should not be used in masonry. However what is provided is insulated AL grounding electrode in direct contact with masonry.


1. Would insulated Al grounding electrode conductor in direct contact with masonry be something not code compliance or it is code compliance? If not code compliance then what code section?

2. Is their anything as insulated Al grounding electrode? I thought code require GEC would to be bare?
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The code never required a bare conductor for the gec although it is usually cheaper when it is bare. What I mean to say is that it can be bare or insulated.
Remedial reading class: 250.64(A)(1) as greentagger noted.

NEC 2014 section 250.64(A) does Not have (1) and it talks only about bare conductors Not insulated Al conductors direct contact with masonry. Am I missing something?

Yep: "bare aluminum conductors shall not" pretty much sums it up.....
If it didn't want insulated condcutors to be in contcat with masonry the would bare word not be there, :)
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