Grounding Electrode Conductor Taps

Portland OR
I am working out of article 250.30(A)(6) under "Grounding Electrode Conductor, Multiple Seperatly Derived Systems.

- I have (5) transformers being installed outdoors all within about 30ft of each other. The transformers are going on a equipment island 200ft away from the building. The source for these systems is coming from a outdoor switchboard located 200ft away. I am planning on installing new grounding electrodes near this equipment and using tap connections going to each transformers.

- Do these tap connections need to come above grade or be installed in a handhole to be considered "accessible"?
Note the following:

(A) Accessibility. All mechanical elements used to terminate a grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper to a grounding electrode shall be accessible. Exception No. 1: An encased or buried connection to a concrete-encased, driven, or buried grounding electrode shall not be required to be accessible
Note the following:

(A) Accessibility. All mechanical elements used to terminate a grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper to a grounding electrode shall be accessible. Exception No. 1: An encased or buried connection to a concrete-encased, driven, or buried grounding electrode shall not be required to be accessible
Thank you, this is what I was looking for!