grounding electrode conductor

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
For those who didn't like my attempt at cleaning up 250.66, I think, the NEC 2017 did a great job making this totally clear, IMO. Probably someone here will find fault with it. They did away with the sole connection concept

250.66(A) Connections to a Rod, Pipe, or Plate Electrode(s). If the
grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper connected
to a single or multiple rod, pipe, or plate electrode(s), or any
combination thereof, as described in 250.52(A)(5) or (A)(7),
does not extend on to other types of electrodes that require a
larger size conductor, the grounding electrode conductor shall
not be required to be larger than 6 AWG copper wire or 4 AWG
aluminum wire.

(B) Connections to Concrete-Encased Electrodes. If the
grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper connected
to a single or multiple concrete-encased electrode(s), as described
in 250.52(A)(3), does not extend on to other types of electrodes
that require a larger size of conductor, the grounding
electrode conductor shall not be required to be larger than
4 AWG copper wire.
One might quibble about the situation where the GEC goes from the panel first, for example, to a water pipe and from there the GEC (or bonding jumper) goes on to a rod or to a CEE. The first stretch does not extend past the rod or CEE to another electrode but goes to the other electrode first.

But anyone arguing that is, IMHO, just looking for a fight and not stating a realistic objection to the new language.
The section from water pipe electrode to rod is clearly covered by the upper limit. Although it is a bonding jumper rather than a GEC the exemption still explicitly applies.
That was you, thanks! You and CMP 5 has done a great job in clearing up the confusing Art 250 rules
Now if only we could get EGC changed to EBC...
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