Grounding enclosures to meet OSHA standards

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Tualatin, Oregon, USA
Electrical design engineer, Industrial equipment
A co-worker (who's an older electrician) said that our equipment needs to have the covers of our enclosures grounded with ground wires. He's saying that because we don't we're violating OSHA. We've always designed to NFPA 79 which states that as long as we don't have devices mounted to the enclosure we're fine. I've never heard of having to meet OSHA requirements. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?
Isn't this similar to the story about ConEd and a handhole cover being electrified?
I am not aware of any code that specifically requires an enclosure door be bonded with a wire in general, only that an effective ground fault path be maintained where there is a likely potential for a ground fault. Most knowledgeable people would consider an enclosure door is not likely to become energized.
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