grounding in ct cabinet

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New Jersey
question? I recently installed an 800 amp service in which the distribution panel is on an inside wall that feeds out of the side into the back side of the ct cabinet on the outside wall. my mistake was not thinking and rushing into things i used emt rather then pvc for the entrance conductors. My plan was to throw a grounding lug in the ct and then drop down to my 2 ground rods with my grounding electrode conductor. Anyways i have realized i made a mistake is there a way to fix this nightmare of mine without having to take the ct cabinet down and changing the pipeing to pvc. so the cabinet will not be bonded to the panel b4 the main breaker?
Re: grounding in ct cabinet

That is not a code problem. Multiple bonds on the line side of the service disconnect are permitted. Any time you use metallic raceway betweeen the meter can and the panel the raceway will be in parallel with the grounded conductor.
Re: grounding in ct cabinet

thanks don but if i use grounding locknuts on the panel end am i still alright how will this ground out being that it is not fused i dont understand
Re: grounding in ct cabinet

Many times I have seen the neutral landed on a bus bar which has a bonding strap which bonds ct cab.then you dont need the extra bonding jumper from main panel
Re: grounding in ct cabinet

All 100Amp & 200 amp Meters come Bonded at the meter Yet you still have to bond the Neutral at the ist Panel and run the Grounding electroid conductors there, Why would a Ct cabinet be any different. If you bonded only at the CT cabinet mounted on a Wood buliding and use PVC to the Service panel , Then What??? Your grounding conductors would run to a floating Neutal or a Ground Bar that does not connect to the neutral.. I say Bond in the CT cabinet Bond in the Servce panel.
Re: grounding in ct cabinet

Originally posted by don_resqcapt19:
Multiple bonds on the line side of the service disconnect are permitted.
Why? It doesn't make sense that parallel paths are permitted on the line side. :confused: Isn't the danger just as great?

[ March 30, 2005, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: peter d ]
Re: grounding in ct cabinet

Peter, yes.
One step at a time. We are now to Grounding and Bonding for Art 250.

[ March 30, 2005, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: tom baker ]
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