Grounding of cranes and hoist.

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Senior Member
Hanover park, il
Dose a crane and hoist need a EGC, or is the steel frame that the hoist or crane is on a good ground fault path, because in the 1971 and 2005 NEC, states all exposed metal parts be metallicity joined together, then grounded, in the 2014, states so, that the entire crane or hoist is a ground fault current path. the cranes and hoist where installed
some years back. We have only 3 hot rails that feed the hoist or cranes ( 3 phase ), I do not see any EGC, on some I see the 3 wires coming out of the seal tight, and the seal tight is not connected on one end that goes to the rails, just the wires coming out, and the wires connect to the rails.

Thank you, for any and all information.
An EGC is required in the branch ckt to the crane. See 250.118 for types allowed.
Thanks for using EGC instead of the incorrect term ground.
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