Grounding of Raceways for Fiber Optic Cables

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Senior Member
We've got several telecom rooms that are interconnected by multiple 4-inch EMT raceways. They primarily contain non- metallic inner-ducts but could eventually have copper comm cables as well.

These conduitd start in the ceiling of one room and end in the ceiling of the other without boxes or other terminations (such as racks or other enclosures). They are bushed but not with grounding bushings and are secured on strut trapeze hangers.

Someone questioned why the EMTs aren't bonded via bonding bushings. Can anyone site a code section that pertains to this?
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
These sound more like sleeves than raceways.

That's our take on it although some of the runs are up to 100 feet long.

I've been flipping through a hard-copy 2005 NEC Handbook and haven't located the definition of "sleeve" yet. The EMT is "coincidentally" grounded by virtue of the strut hangers to grounded building steel (facility is a data center with an extensive grounding system).
Fiber is covered by Article 770. 90.3 says that all of the rules in Chapters 1 through 4 apply to Chapter 7 installations unless modified in the Chapter 7 article. I see nothing in 770 that modifies the rule in 250.4(A)(2). Now the question becomes, is this raceway "electrical equipment".
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