Grounding Outbuilding Subpanel

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New User
Canton, Ohio
I just went through Hell, lost my grounds in my Engineering / Outbuilding.
I live on a farm, my building is 400 feet away from the house, and runs off the house with
3 buried lines. (NOT 4)

Old School

Has 1 Grounding Rod

Apparently the grounding Rod Froze?
(Very cold here) and intelligent equipment won't run, because it recognizes there is no ground.

I acknowledge, this panel should be redone, and not fed from the house panel, but have its own feed from the meter.
But that is ANOTHER DAY.

What is the proper CODE for grounding this panel, WITHOUT, a 4th wire?
A commercial electrician friend of mine said, "in these cases" they would drive 4 ~ 8 Foot grounding rods in a 4 foot circle,
tie them all together, and back to the subpanel.

Can somebody post the code, or verify the above, or disagree with the above.

Thank you,

PS I deal in a lot of electrical issues, however, never ran into a "frozen ground rod" that lost ground before........
I'm normally working in factory panels that isn't wired up as goofy maybe as my own setup.
What your commercial electrician friend said is incorrect and you need to talk to a licensed electrician who can troubleshoot your problem on site. The exception in 250.32 (B)(1) could apply to your separate structure. Beyond that this thread must be closed in accordance with the Forum rules.
This Forum is intended to assist professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry in the performance of their job-related tasks. However, if you are not an electrician or an electrical contractor, then we are not permitted to help you perform your own electrical installation work.
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