Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

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Can someone please give me the code reference which tells which way a grounded outlet is to be installed, I believe that the ground plug is to be up on a three wire outlet, however cannot find a code reference to back this up with. My thoughts are that should something fall on the attachment plug, with the ground plug up, it would go to ground. I have others who argue that is not referenced by code but by pratice. Thanks.
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)


This is asked once a month. No code requirement.

Some would say ground up is the choice. For the reason you stated.

Some would say down for cord strain.

I see no difference.

I only ask why most manf. show their product with the ground up?

Mike P.
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

Does anyone get tired of seeing this question?
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

Originally posted by dereckbc:
Does anyone get tired of seeing this question?
No, not at all.
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

I love you guys.

Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

I say we should start a movement to mount all outlets at a 45 degree angle. :D :D :D :D
No code requirement either way, up or down meets code.
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

this is great...I never worried about how I installed them. I just match the wires to the correct terminals and be on my way!! I'm lazy... :)
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

Ok... how about this.... has anybody mentioned that the damn little piece of plastic at the top or bottom of the ground pin hole (depending on whether you mount them ground up or ground down) has a tendancy to break off in the ground up position because most people tend to pull out plugs in a "out and up" direction, putting pressure on that little piece of plastic and snappping it off... this is why after experimenting with ground up position one time... I went back to ground down... was tired of call backs on new homes to replace receptacles for this reason....
Re: Grounding Plug Orientation(Up or down)

Originally posted by pierre:
Bob and Roger

How do you post those cool Graemlins?

You can find Graemlins by doing a Google search (try smiley, smiles, etc.) and you link them to your post by the use of the ;) , but anyone can find out with a right click of their mouse.


[ August 15, 2003, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: iwire ]
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