I have a friend who added an addtion to his house (this is attached). Previously his old meter was on the back of the house and connected to his panel just inside. We relocated the meter to the front of the house (per utility ). There we installed a new disconnect to feed over to his old panel (now sub panel), added new ground rods/wire to the disconnect , and ran 4 wire ser cable to his old panel (now a sub panel). The main disconnect is grounded where it should be (just outside and spaced per nec). Where the qustion is now, his new addtion has a ground rebar. Does this need to be attached to the new ground rods outside or is fine to be left alone since all the house wiring and wiring for the new addtion is coming from the subpanel which is grounded back to the disconnect? I cant seem to find the answer in the code. (this is in oregon)