grounding service and sub panel

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I have a traffic signal pole with the service equipment mounted on the pole and the ground from the meter disconnect is running thru a ground rod directly to the cabinet about 10' away. the meter and disconnect and conduits are bonded as is the traffic control cabinet. Is this acceptable. Also the pole itself is grounded but to a separate ground rod. said:
I have a traffic signal pole with the service equipment mounted on the pole and the ground from the meter disconnect is running thru a ground rod directly to the cabinet about 10' away. the meter and disconnect and conduits are bonded as is the traffic control cabinet. Is this acceptable. Also the pole itself is grounded but to a separate ground rod.
I'll send a PM to Tom Baker, this is his specialty.

You should be aware that this installation may not be governed by the NEC (90.2(A)).
Not quite following. Is the meter and service disconnect mounted to the signal pole. Is this ground that is connect to GE and then to signal control cabnet an EG or GEC. If I follow correctly it seems as if you are using a common GE between the service and the signal control cabnet which would be okay but you must also install an EG between the two as well.
How does the GEC from the service disconnect run to the traffic signal cabinet?
The TS cabinet may not need ground rods. Its kind of a multiwire branch circuit fed from the service. I say kind of as the TS cabinet has branch breakers but is not UL listed as service equipment, so its not a feeder panel.
I would establish the GEC system at the TS pole and carry an insulated EGC to the cabinet.
How does the serivce run down or up the TS pole? Inside or in conduit?
I see lots of creative ways to install TS equipment. The biggest violation is the mast arms and poles have "limited energy" and line voltage mixed together inside.
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