Grounding split switched outlet?

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New member
Hi all,

i have two wires leading to a 1-gang jbox. One of the wires is a 15amp outlet circuit, and the other is a 15amp load from a light switch. What I would like to do is to break the connector to have one half of the duplex outlet switched, and the other on the outlet circuit. This would mean wiring one half of the duplex on one circuit and one on the other. But then I would have to attach the grounds of the two separate circuits in the junction box. Is this allowable by the NEC? Can the ground wires of two circuits ever be joined outside of the electrical panel?

The other option is to just install a 2-gang box and just have two receptacles on separate circuits, but I'd prefer to have a single gang box at this location.

thanks for your help with this one!


Staff member
Placerville, CA, USA
Retired PV System Designer
Hi all,

i have two wires leading to a 1-gang jbox. One of the wires is a 15amp outlet circuit, and the other is a 15amp load from a light switch. What I would like to do is to break the connector to have one half of the duplex outlet switched, and the other on the outlet circuit. This would mean wiring one half of the duplex on one circuit and one on the other. But then I would have to attach the grounds of the two separate circuits in the junction box. Is this allowable by the NEC? Can the ground wires of two circuits ever be joined outside of the electrical panel?

The other option is to just install a 2-gang box and just have two receptacles on separate circuits, but I'd prefer to have a single gang box at this location.

thanks for your help with this one!

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