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What defines what type of grounding system to use? We are doing a design/build on a new church, service is a 600a 3p 208/120 from the utility supplied trans. Can i use a ground rod. When would a more expensive ground ring be required? john
Re: grounding

You must have a grounding electrode system per 250.50. Any of the electrodes per 250.52 are bonded together. Essentially you determine what grounding electrodes are available, however the 2005 NEC will require a concrete encased electode when available, a change from the 2002 requirement of if available.
Re: grounding

Originally posted by jociha:
When would a more expensive ground ring be required? john
In a facility containing expensive mission critical electronic equipment like a data center, telephone office, bradcast transmitteror, radio site, or a facilty employing lighning protection system.
Re: grounding


As dereckbc mentioned, if the facility has broadcast and tower equipment, a ring configuration is best. With the 2005, UFER is the next level, but check the local requirements to see what is the AHJ approved plan specification.

rbj, Seattle
Re: grounding

I have installed a 400a service in a steel building. The water comes in on the oposite side of the building. The panel is attached to the steel of the building. Is is acceptable to bond the water line to the steel 140ft away if the panel is mounted to the steel of the building or do I need to run a grounding electrode conductor all that way?
Re: grounding

dsbenvento, I believe you can bond the building steel to the water pipe on the other side of the building, assuming the building steel is also bonded to the GES. You do not have to run a ground all the way around the building. See 250-50, 250-52, 250-64, 250-66. Also see this thread .

Re: grounding

Your GEC will have to be full sized.
And, how is the panel mounted to building steel?
You might have to go from the panel to a lug on the building steel with a full size GEC also.
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