are you now required to ground the rebare in all new construction.
hbsandidge said:are you now required to ground the rebare in all new construction.
hbsandidge said:I have read that section I have a ground loop so do I have to use more than one grounding electrode system or all that are available.
hbsandidge said:I have read that section I have a ground loop so do I have to use more than one grounding electrode system or all that are available.
raider1 said:Are you using the 2002 or the 2005 NEC. The language in this section has changed from "all electrodes that are avaliable" in the 2002 NEC too "all electrodes that are present" in the 2005 NEC.
This change made the use of a concrete encased electrode mandatory if the rebar is "present" in the footing. It use to be an option as the rebar had to be made avaliable for use.
Cavie said:You are 100% correct. I simply didn't understand what I thought I read. Present is the correct word for 2005 that is why they changed it. I must slow down and let the words sink in. thank you for pointing that out.
raider1 said:This change made the use of a concrete encased electrode mandatory if the rebar is "present" in the footing.
Dennis Alwon said:Isn't it mandatory if the rebar is 1/2" or greater? I have never seen anyone use 3/8" rebar but I guess some places do use itt.
hbsandidge said:are you now required to ground the rebare in all new construction.
Can you explain what you mean by "ground loop"? Is there something wrong with the grounding system causing problems, or do you mean something else?hbsandidge said:I have read that section I have a ground loop so do I have to use more than one grounding electrode system or all that are available.
This would depend on where the re-bar is located.hbsandidge said:are you now required to ground the rebare in all new construction.
hbsandidge said:I have read that section I have a ground loop so do I have to use more than one grounding electrode system or all that are available.
I assumed that you are talking about the electrode system and also assumed that you were referring to the ground ring.hbsandidge said:I should have said ground ring.