Guest Room Requirements

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New member
Seattle WA
In guest rooms and hotel suites with no permanent cooking, do I need a separate wall mount switch for each room or can I use a bank of switches as I walk in the entry door to control the lighting outlet in each room? Although article 2008 NEC 210.70 doesn't specifically say anything with regard to this, I am interpreting this as being the case although I am not sure.
The NEC does not state where the switch needs to be. IMO, you may have an issue with the inspector but it is code compliant to group them.
$ $


1st, ...Welcome to the Mike Holt Forum! :cool:

2nd, ...FWIW, I agree with Dennis!.....While the location
of the switches is not specified, it IS [ IMO ] a part of
the conditioning / programming of us humans, where we
almost instinctively, reach & look for a wall mounted
switch in each room, least I know that I do!
Recommend that you contact the AHJ and at least ask
the question......Might just save you some time & money!

& &
It very common to find a bank of switches such as you are discribing in motel rooms. Think cheep construction. (I don't do politicly correctness). It is code compliant. Having said that, just don't do it. Spead the grouping around.
In guest rooms and hotel suites with no permanent cooking, do I need a separate wall mount switch for each room or can I use a bank of switches as I walk in the entry door to control the lighting outlet in each room? Although article 2008 NEC 210.70 doesn't specifically say anything with regard to this, I am interpreting this as being the case although I am not sure.

210.70 Lighting Outlets Required. Lighting outlets shall be installed where specified in 210.70(A), (B), and (C).

(B) Guest Rooms or Guest Suites. In hotels, motels, or similar occupancies, guest rooms or guest suites shall have at least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet installed in every habitable room and bathroom.
Exception No. 1: In other than bathrooms and kitchens where provided, one or more receptacles controlled by a wall switch shall be permitted in lieu of lighting outlets.
Exception No. 2: Lighting outlets shall be permitted to be controlled by occupancy sensors that are (1) in addition to wall switches or (2) located at a customary wall switch location and equipped with a manual override that allows the sensor to function as a wall switch.
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