Hanging fixtures

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Senior Member
Is there a" established" height for a dining/breakfast nook fixture to hang off the floor? Just curious as to what height most set them at.


re member
Clarkesville, Georgia
63" AFF, use a scrap of wire to hold it close to ceiling till all work is done. And I've been back to houses years later where chain was still tied up to ceiling.

What I like to do is hang it where I think it should be, but not thread lampcord through chain until height is approved.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
It may vary depending on the size of the table and fixture. The general rule is to have the bottom of the fixture anywhere from 60"-66" from the floor. A table is general 30" so we say 30"-36" off the table. Most common would be 66" of the floor or 36" from the table.


Senior Member
I have always just used my 6' ladder as the hight off the floor, I measure from the top of the ladder to the ceiling box, then deduct for the canopy and the fixture and that is my chain length.

Too low and people will hit their head when getting up from the table, too high and just don't look right, I make a couple extra hooks and if construction is still going on I will hang it all the way up out of the way, and when the builder does the final cleaning they will lower then back down.
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