hard drive eraser installed near transfer switches

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malachi constant

Senior Member
Hi all,

A client's IT department has asked to put their Hard Disk Drive Degausser (Verity Systems V660 HDD Evo) in a room adjacent to an electrical room (on a counter on the shared wall). The electrical room contains transfer switches that provide emergency power to the building (and a few standard panelboards). The transfer switches are NOT on the shared wall, they are about 8-10 feet away. The Owner has asked us to review and sign off that the degausser will not hurt the transfer switches or other parts of the electrical system. I don't see anything in the manufacturer's literature that specifically warns of this and am inclined to think there is no issue here. Any thoughts?

The device is likely UL listed. That listing will come with which areas the machine is compliant for. However, I don't see a UL or even an FCC class A or B on the model you provided.

Degaussers made nowadays are way better that the ones from decades past (Kodak Datatape). The five year old model we have at work doesn't even affect my watch, security badge, or credit cards.
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Can you give us the make and model of the ATSs.
We need to know if it is old relay logic or newer micro
processor controllers.
No issues if it is relay logic.
Interesting comment on the UL/FCC labeling - I don't see any in the literature they sent me. I'll bring that up as a concern.
I don't have interior photos of the ATS equipment. One is a Cummins Power Command, the other a Kohler of some sort. Both are roughly ten years old. I'll see if I can get that info, but it may take a few days.
Interesting comment on the UL/FCC labeling - I don't see any in the literature they sent me. I'll bring that up as a concern.
I don't have interior photos of the ATS equipment. One is a Cummins Power Command, the other a Kohler of some sort. Both are roughly ten years old. I'll see if I can get that info, but it may take a few days.

The literature available online also states that the field drops considerably only a few inches from the degaussing surface.
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