Hardwired Cord for an Injector in Operating Room

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Senior Member
I have a project in an operating room that has a proposed injector on a rolling cart. This injector will be electrically fed from a cord that comes from a junction box on the wall. During an operation the injector rolls from its location near the wall to the operating room table. The cord will run across the floor. My question is, is there anything in the code that prohibits this since it will possibly be a tripping hazard and the cord is not fed from a receptacle at the wall its fed through a junction box?

The junction box routes the cord via conduit to a small equipment closet in the operating room where the injector headend is located. The headend plugs in to an electrical receptacle but the injector itself is hardwired.
If that's what the manufacturer instructions and installation drawings show, then it should be OK.
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