stray spark
Help! I am having some problems with harmonics in Wisconsin and am at wits end on where to turn. If I remember my harmonics from aprenticeship class 15 years ago, harmonics cause heat and do not travel far from their source. Do any of you have any experience with the mitigation of harmonics in relation to a dairy? We were using a 1 to 1 ISO transformer on a 480 system to isolate the drives from the rest of the system. Now we are being told to get rid of the transformers and go to special filters from Canada. The company is displaying data of 262 to 2198 mv of harmonic current, but at all different frequencies. any books or hints etc would be greatly appreciated. p.s. The facility has been inspected by 2 state inspectors, the psc, and 2 independent stray voltage "experts" and all give it a thumbs up. Utility says there is no "stray voltage" but both independents and my Fluke 434 say different. Thanks in advance!:-?