I thought I would pick the brains of some fellow electricians. I have a customer that I replaced their hard wired smoke detectors in their home because they were alarming for no reason. I replaced the smoke detectors with new FIREX hard wired smoke detectors with battery backup after testing the wiring for any apparent problems (none to be found). Two days later I recieved a call at 8:45pm from the customer saying they were alarming again for no reason. They shut off after about 8 minutes. Returning the next day, I tested the wiring once again finding nothing wrong. I replaced the smokes again with BRK brand figuring I would rule out the problem of defective smoke detectors. Two days later my customer called again at about 8pm again saying they went off for about 8 minutes again. Talking to them over the phone I confirmed that it has not been caused by shower steam or cooking smoke. Does anyone have any ideas? :-?