- Location
- Mount Airy MD USA
My friend in Florida (Ameila Island Jacksonville area) called me about his house (house built 2006) wiring. HIs computer (Vacuum shorted completely) and any appliance was shorting or not functioning. He was measuring 122 to 138 volts throughout his residence at his receptacles. The voltage would change while his meter was on a receptacle 122-144 volts. This happen several months after a proximity lightning strike. He first called two different electrical contractors and they could not figure out the problem, left and would not return his calls. They told him the house was haunted. He called me in MD wondering what to do? I told him to contact power co & check incoming (overhead service) voltage from transformer. All normal voltage. Meter outside with WP 200amp C/B his main panel feed with SER as subpanel. The power co after several visits changed the transformer and the service drop to meter. My friend removed all wiring from panel except the main power. installed a new 15amp C/B and connected 14-2 RX extended it on the floor install a receptacle every 12' (laying on the ground in his residence). Same problem volt at 1st recept 122 4th recept 138. He installed a new HR (no wiring in panel all wiring removed) to a bedroom on the 2nd floor and connect to existing receptacles in room (volt 122-144 at last receptacle). All plumbing in house is plastic, incoiming water service plastic. I told him to check his grounding at his panel. There is no #4 cu ground wire from subpanel to outside ground rod. There is no secondary ground. Hot water heater did not have a cu jumper across hot and cold. He has installed 3 ground rods with #4 cu connecting to meter and WP C/B outside. I'm having a hard time believing the volt measurements he is providing, especially the laying the 14-2 on the floor with 4 receptacles attached? My thought is the insulation on the branch circuit wiring could be damaged because of the lightning? He said all wires from house run through a small hole all bundled together no spacing just a big bundle. I wondering about induction? He has been replacing wires and devices for 3 weeks. He has moved out of the residence for fear of fire. My guess it's a grounding/bonding problem but not being there I am getting second hand rookie information. He's not sure but thinks there is a green bond screw in the neutral? Not sure what to tell him to do now.