Hazardous Classification for Isosorbide Dinitrate/Lactos Mixture

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I would like to know what classification for electrical equipment would apply in an area where a Isosorbide Dinitrate/Lactos (25%/75%) mixture is stored and used in the pharmaceutical induxtry to make tablets. The ignition temp. of the chemical is 390 degrees C.

Thank you
I would like to know what classification for electrical equipment would apply in an area where a Isosorbide Dinitrate/Lactos (25%/75%) mixture is stored and used in the pharmaceutical induxtry to make tablets. The ignition temp. of the chemical is 390 degrees C.

Thank you

AIT and flash point would determine if the material needs to be classified at all. It would be Class I area, if....

The process equipment, their operation and the frequency of ingitable fuel/air mixtures' presence would further need to be reviewed to determine the Division, if any.

In general if the flash point is above ambient (100F) and the material is not heated above its flaspoint while processed, no classification is needed as ignitable mixture would not be developed.

The above is just a general commentary, the area classification process needs to be done by professionals in a methodical way based on data.
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