Hazardous classification responsibilities

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Newark, NJ

Quick questions on hazardous locations.

Who is responsible for determining an area classification? I would expect the O/O would have that responsibility.

Say an owner of an industrial facility contracts with an electrical contractor to wire a motor in what would be a hazardous area but has not been classified as such. It incumbent upon the contractor to determine or verify the classification of the installation area?

I would think it would be unfair to place the responsibility on the contractor as there are aspects of the operation he might not be privy to, but if the installation is in an area that the contractor by his experience should be classified what are his responsibilities? Where should the line be drawn?
It is the owner/operator of a facility's responsibility to meet Section 500.4(A). They may hire a qualified party to determine the classifications or it may be imposed by an AHJ, but the owner/operator is ultimately responsible to see that it's done.
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